LiveART Foundation

Established in Amsterdam in September 2022, the Foundation’s initial goal was to operate as a legal entity for the acquisition of music- and image rights for Maryleen Schiltkamp’s ongoing artistic projects. Subsequently, this became part of an overarching vision which secures the  entirety of Schiltkamp’s artworks as a legacy within the Foundation.

The LiveART Foundation aims to promote artistic projects in the sector of multi-disciplinary art forms, specifically collaborations between art and music, with live performance as an interactive art form. Examples are: exhibitions, light installations, image projections and live music-painting performances during a concert as performance art, and music videos and documentary films.

The LiveART Foundation stands for innovation, ground-breaking projects, support of emerging artists, and the promotion of young talent. Furthermore, the foundation supports the performance, documentation and publication of Curaçaon classical music, one of the unique musical niches belonging to Dutch cultural heritage and connecting Maryleen to her native island.

Board members

Maryleen Schiltkamp
Chair & Founder

Alan Mercer

Rudolf Feber

Alexander Kraft van Ermel
Board Member

Objectives / Policy Plan

The objectives of the Foundation are:

  • to be an umbrella organisation for current artistic projects undertaken by Maryleen Schiltkamp;
  • to be a legal entity through which to manage image and music rights;
  • the foundation is subject to Dutch law and thus without any profit. It is entitled accordingly to the ANBI status.
  • to be the recipient and custodian of the body of artwork created by Maryleen Schiltkamp from the time this is an estate; whereby the administrator of the estate is tasked with bringing Maryleen Schiltkamp’s artistry to the attention of the public.
  • the Foundation aims to be a House for Artists in Residence, according to the Foundation’s objectives, from a year later to be determined.

The Foundation seeks to achieve its objectives by:

Organising events such as painting exhibitions and music-painting collaborations:

  • working with musicians in music-painting projects at a concert, live music-painting performances during a concert, collaborating with videos and documentary films about live music-painting and screening these documentaries and music videos;
  • producing films, interactive digital material, releasing DVDs, acquiring music and image rights; – working with all other eligible (public) institutions.

The Foundation furthermore supports the performance, documentation and publication of classical Curaçaoan music, as one of the unique musical niches forming part of our cultural heritage.

And furthermore all that relates to, is part of or contributes to the goals above, in whatever way.

The LiveART Foundation is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce;

KvK no. 87569256
RSIN no. 864333407
Recent extract Chamber of Commerce

Annual Accounts: Stichting LiveART Jaarrekening 2022

Balance sheet and income statement of the publication form: 230928 Balans en resulatenrekening LAF


As a non-profit cultural foundation we welcome the support of funding organisations, sponsors and donors.
Bank account: NL02 ABNA 0435 6906 71


LiveART Foundation
Telephone: +31(0)20 427 9957
Postal address: Nicolaas Witsenkade 14a, 1017 ZS Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Foundation website: